






Autonomous TRP/TIS Testing: Cost Reduction and Enhanced Flexibility

This success case illustrates how a client effectively reduced the costs of TRP/TIS testing while enhancing the flexibility of their testing environment through ALifecom's solution. Traditionally, clients had to rent expensive laboratories for conducting these tests, but now they can independently perform TRP/TIS testing in their own labs, saving a significant amount of costs. This solution includes ALifecom's NE6000 API, enabling clients to easily control turntable angles and adjust antenna patterns to ensure connectivity. Additionally, ALifecom provides training and documentation to assist clients in getting started quickly, achieving cost-efficiency and greater flexibility.


NE7500 5G SA基站仿真仪

Cost Reduction and Efficiency Enhancement: A Successful Case of ALifecom's Thermal Test Solution

This success story illustrates how a client achieved outstanding value for cost-performance (CP) by reducing thermal test expenses by 50% while maintaining the same level of quality. The client faced various challenges in the thermal testing domain, including high equipment costs, the need for IP data transmission capabilities, and lengthy testing requirements. ALifecom's NE6000/7500 testing instruments provided a cost-effective solution, not only reducing costs but also delivering the required features and stability. This enabled the client to gain a competitive edge in thermal testing, enhance product quality, save time and expenses, ultimately achieving a higher CP value.

Delivering Eight Different Shipping Solutions for the Same In-Vehicle System

This success story highlights how ALifecom assisted a client in addressing challenges related to the same vehicle model's hardware and provided solutions that catered to eight different customer requirements. The primary challenge faced by the client was the diverse requirements and frequency bands of various telecom providers, despite having the same vehicle hardware model. ALifecom's solution utilized CTS software to determine the APN and frequency band requirements of each telecom provider. Customized testing and configurations were then performed through the ATS system, ensuring that the hardware devices met the specifications of each telecom provider. This saved time and costs, improved production efficiency, and ensured a smooth product launch process.


NE6000 LTE 网络仿真仪

Simplifying IXIA Equipment Integration

This success story delves into the challenges a client faced when integrating IXIA devices for wired and wireless testing in a testing environment. The client had previously struggled with connecting IXIA tao other signaling equipment, but ALifecom provided a straightforward and effective solution using their NE6000 device. The NE6000 boasts full IP functionality definition, allowing easy setup of IP routers to seamlessly integrate devices like IXIA into the testing environment. This streamlined the configuration process, improved efficiency, enabling the client to complete tests more quickly, ensuring the reliability of test results. ALifecom's solution offers greater flexibility, meeting the client's evolving testing needs.


NE6000 LTE 网络仿真仪

Shortening the PWS testing time increases engineers' work efficiency.

This successful case highlights how ALifecom helped the client transform the manual PWS testing process, achieving efficiency and time savings. PWS testing is crucial for mobile devices before they enter the network, but traditional manual testing processes are time-consuming. ALifecom provided a customized solution that automated the testing process, including appropriate delay timing to ensure accuracy. This not only saved engineers' time but also ensured that mobile devices could correctly handle emergency alerts, ensuring public safety. This solution improved efficiency and provided reliable PWS test results.


5G NSA 网络仿真仪

A Successful Case of International Connectivity and Assembly Yield in Charging Stations

The charging station manufacturer produces its products in Taiwan but needs to operate in international markets. The difference in telecommunications frequency bands poses challenges for connectivity and data upload testing. ALifecom's solution includes adjusting antenna configurations to ensure connection reliability and providing a stable remote testing environment. This enables customers to quickly verify the product's connectivity and data upload software functionality while saving time and costs. ALifecom's innovative technology and solutions open up opportunities for customers in the international market, showcasing their expertise and capabilities in the field of wireless communication testing.


NE7500 5G SA基站仿真仪

Precise Control of MIFI CPE International Connectivity and Assembly Yield

ALifecom Successfully Assists a MIFI CPE Manufacturer in Overcoming the Challenge of Different Telecom Frequency Bands, Ensuring Product Connectivity and Assembly Yield. The customer faced issues with unfamiliar telecom carrier APNs and configuring bands that couldn't be validated domestically. ALifecom provided a solution: firstly, using CTS software to confirm APNs, and then adjusting antenna configurations using ATS and flat-panel antenna arrays to achieve testing of connectivity bands and validation of assembly yield. This offered the customer a comprehensive solution, ensuring product quality and performance, and enabling a successful entry into the international market. ALifecom's professional expertise made this success story possible.






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