


10, JUL, 2023

ALifecom's Success at MWCS Shanghai 2023

Event Recap: ALifecom's Success at MWCS Shanghai 2023

ALifecom, a pioneering force in the realm of 5G technology, is delighted to share a recap of our exceptional presence at the recent Mobile World Congress Shanghai (MWCS) 2023. The event, which took place from June 28th to June 30th at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre (SNIEC), marked a significant milestone in our journey of innovation and collaboration.


Teaming up with our esteemed partner, GeeFlex, based in Beijing, our booth N3#B90 came alive with a captivating showcase of state-of-the-art technology and groundbreaking solutions. Our focus centered on advanced 5G testing instruments and an all-encompassing solution for industry-specific 5G private network integration.


--Event Highlights--


Cutting-edge 5G Testing

Our booth buzzed with excitement as attendees explored our range of 5G testing instruments. From 4G/5G network simulation to terminal emulation, our instruments demonstrated peak performance and versatility. The demonstration of 5G millimeter-wave testing garnered particular attention, showcasing our commitment to pushing the boundaries of what's possible in the world of connectivity.


Tailored Solutions for Industry

 ALifecom's collaborative venture with GeeFlex unveiled a comprehensive solution for industry-specific 5G private network integration. Our solutions were met with enthusiastic response from industry professionals looking to harness the potential of 5G in their specific domains. Our experts engaged in insightful discussions about how these integrated solutions can drive productivity and innovation.


Networking and Insights

Beyond the technologies on display, MWCS Shanghai provided a dynamic platform for networking and knowledge exchange. Our representatives engaged with attendees, sharing insights, answering questions, and fostering connections that are poised to drive future collaborations.


We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all those who visited our booth and contributed to the success of our participation in MWCS Shanghai 2023. Your curiosity, engagement, and enthusiasm reinforce our commitment to driving the future of connectivity.


For more information about our 5G solutions and upcoming events, , please visit our website www.alifecom.com or reach out to us at marketing@alifecom.com.




[ About ALifecom ]

Alifecom is a company focused on providing high-quality, efficient, and valuable testing solutions. With a variety of wireless communication R&D instruments and services and diverse solutions, we can meet the different needs of customers, including functional testing, communication protocols, and RF measurements, providing customers with one-stop solutions.  Our core values are intelligence, speed, and value-driven.

We are committed to providing excellent service and support to customers, meeting different business needs, and helping them achieve business goals. Customers can rely on our diverse solutions to provide comprehensive support for their product development and testing.  Alifecom has accumulated key advantages in various technical and professional knowledge areas. Leveraging our accumulated technical advantages over the years, Alifecom provides customers with the best one-to-many 4G/5G measurement solution to help shorten product time-to-market. 



[ Media Contact ]

Iwen Huang



ALifecom Technology Corporation (富宇翔科技股份有限公司)

11F-1, No. 79, Zhouzi St., Neihu Dist., Taipei City 114 , Taiwan


Tel: +886-2 2658 2508







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